Saturday 19 May 2012


I have so been looking forward to this weekend and now that it's here I can't decide what to do with it. As much as I need some time to myself and get on with my studies etc I so miss my kids. The result is usually that I manage to not do very much. Guess that's needed sometimes though :)

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Busy week

Law exam been and gone, finally! Felt better than expected but you never know, now all I can do is wait for the result. New course started Monday, seems fun but have mentally gone on holiday already. Need to push myself for theese last few week, less than 5 to go before summer holidays, Yeay!

Last week was quite a busy week, Friday-exam, Saturday was girlsnight. We are a group of mums who met when we'd just had our firstborns and now we meet up every couple of months. Always fun! And Monday was back to school... So can safely say that I have not just been at home doing nothing (just incase anyone thought so...). This week has also allowed me some time with good friends, yesterday I took a lovely and long walk with one of my really good friends and today I managed yet another long walk and lunch with an old friend :) Theese occasions make life so worthwile. What matters most to me in life is my children, my family, my friends and staying healthy-in that order!

Tomorrow will be yet another busy day, unfortunately not a very fun one. A few weeks back my cousin passed away which happened suddenly and no one was quite prepared for it. He fell ill, heart problems which led to other complications. He only became 42 years old. Tomorrow is his funeral. It makes you look at life and reflect over what is important, put things in perspective so to speak. When tomorrow is dealt with somehow I reckon I'll feel more relaxed and at peace. I hope he is well wherever he is.

Also when tomorrow is over we'll have yet another 3day weekend to enjoy, can't wait to spend some time with my children doing fun things!