Sunday 27 January 2013

Age and life lessons...

Age, what is age really? Does our actual age define who we are and how we act? I think the answer is no! I always joke about being only 25 although I may just be a few years older than that... Why, one may ask. The answer to that one is quite simple, I don't feel old. People usually assume i have some sort of age crisis but no! couldn't be further from the truth. I am quite happy being where I am at the moment, I enjoy my life and for the most part I lack nothing and feel content :) As it goes now, don't know if it's because I study with a lot of people younger than me or if it is that I finally dare to not care what people think or expect of me but I feel younger than I have before.

I spoke with a friend the other day, and was asked if I truly wanted to be 25 again-the honest answer would be no. I'd like to be younger yes BUT I wouldn't want to be without all the things I've done, the experience I've gained and all things I have so far achieved. Truth is also, without all my past experiences I wouldn't be where I am today and I like today! All in all, what we do defines where we go and as I am now convinced I am just where I should be, doing what I'm meant to do and going where I'm meant to be headed I could ask for nothing more! I sincerely believe that mistakes aren't bad, this is what we learn from. I view mistakes as life lessons. I would much rather make mistakes and know that I at least dared to try than sit later on in life and regret not trying!

Although I have weeks that are busy, days that sometimes feel tough and things don't always go to plan I love my life today! Still, I'm going to keep making mistakes in life, because I will keep on trying new things! I am not going to shy away when a challenge approaches, because I want to learn more, experience more and move on in life so that I can enjoy, and appreciate every day I get and love my life as much in the future as I do today!

Monday 21 January 2013

Spring term, term 4!

Was going to post some pictures of our weekend but at the moment it's not working so will have to wait. We've ha a fab and chilled out weekend, 4 day break, lovely! We've seen some friends, my parents and done loads of sledging. Saturday was pretty freezing but gorgeous! Went down to ab -20 I think, during the day it was only around -13 or so... As much as I love winter and snow, right now I just can't wait til summertime though. Need some sunshine!

Tomorrow it's back to real life again and the start of my 4th term at uni. Will be great, can't believe quite how fast time goes by though. Soon I will be half way through, we do 7 terms in total so by the end of march... I think this term it will be some more practical courses thet'll and more geared into our actual profession. After the summer it is time to do one term (20 weeks) of worked practice which means we'll be actually at work in one allocated field of social work and led/taught by experienced social workers. Will be great!

Friday 18 January 2013


Just got off the phone with my best friend. We haven't seen eachother for quite a while again now, not strange as we live in different countries. We speak to eachother a few times a week usually. It's amazing that even when nothing happens you can have so much to talk about! I see her as part of my family, the sister I have choosen to have. Miss her dearly!

It's quite strange when you start to think about friends, people you meet and how sometimes you meet theese people you instantly like. People that you are in one way connected with straight away. She is one of thoose that I had that connection with early on. I wonder what makes such feelings happen? The same goes for the opposite, people that you instantly develop a dislike to. Don't have any answers but I am sure many out here will agree that sometimes you just meet someone that without knowing them at first you're drawn to them and feel that you have a common connection. Then as the friendship develops you know it's meant to last. Other people you struggle with getting to know and getting along with even if you try your hardest! This must be one of the great mysteries of life!

Thursday 17 January 2013

Did it!

Exam done, went fairly ok I think. There is always an uncertainty until you get the results but don't think I could've done anything differently though. Handed in with an hour to spare. Finally had the kids home as well tonight, now we have 4 days off, long weekend! Hope we'll be able to enjoy it. My daughter now seems well, only the night will tell if my son has escaped the sick bug or if we're in for another round. Fingers crossed!

Well obviously today has been spent writing so not much more to share at the moment really, just enjoying the fact we have a 4day weekend ahead of us. No major plans, love it. Only our imagination limits what we might get up to or we might just chill out. Not such a bad alternative either when we're usually running around busy with life in general. Let's see shall we :)

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Timing is everything...

Tomorrw it is again time to do some exam-writing. A one day at home writing essay style exam, hmmm... The kids are still at their father's house, usually the go there one night a week but last night my daughter came down with the sick bug that has been going round, hence it makes more sense that they'll stay til tomorrow evening when my exam is done. Miss them though, the house is so silent and still when they're not around. Tommorrow evening it'll all be back to normal again :)

Now, should probably head off to bed soon. Have spent all day, well the majority of today, going through books and prepping for the exam, think it is time to try and get some rest. Will be interesting to see what they have in store for us in terms of exam... Wish me luck!

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Music & memories

It's amazing how music can bring back memories of places, people and situations. Just one song or line can take you back years in your life and make you re-live your past. Obviously this can have both positive and negative effects but I choose to focus on the good bits!

Sat in the car today, music on loudly and singing along as I was on my own. Then this one piece of music comes on the radio, blast from the past, and made me think of what I used to do back then. We're talking a fair amount of years back, more than I care to count... Made me think of the people I used to hang out with, people that were friends that I now unfortunately have lost contact with. I started thinking of what has happened to them, how they are, would I recognise them if I'd bump into them now. They have had and impact or input in my life, some more than others. I wonder if they know that without them my life might not be as it is, and I wouldn't be where I am. Usually we consider theese people you have around thet are true friends the ones that count, and yes they do have the most impact on your life I gues but... I think that sometimes people are meant to be in your life for a short period only, sometimes it seems that they were there just at that particular moment you needed them.

It also shows that although people enter and exit your life, they make some impact or mark on your life that makes you remember them, maybe not on a daily basis but now and then. It goes to show that whatever we do, whoever we meet, we have a chance and an opportunity to impact them, just by being ourselves. I can only hope that the impact I have had on the people I have met, known and called friends aswell as all the people I have yet to meet will be positive for them when they look back on their life in the future.

To each and everyone who have at one point played a part in my life: I remember you and treassure the time we had, and if it is meant to be, we'll meet again when the time is right! Now I'm going to turn the volume up and listen to some more music that'll bring memories of past times and old good friends!

Sunday 6 January 2013

Back to reality

Tomorrow it's back to uni again, we've had such a lovely break and I could seriously do with some more days off... Or maybe it's just the fact that it is so easy to get used to being on holidays. Nevertheless, tomorrow at 6 am my alarm will go off for the first time in over two weeks. It'll all be good once we get back into routine. On the bright side this means summer is only a few months away, so need som sunshine soon! We've had a fab break from everything though, celebrated christmas & new year, met up with friends and had a few completely lazy days. Love it!

As of tomorrow school will start in style, long day ahead. As it is an inset day over here the kids will spend the day with my parents instead of at day-care. At least they'll have a fun & chilled out day. I on the other hand will start with a seminar on a paper we did just before christmas followed by starting to work on our secong group assignment that needs to be handed in by thursday. On top of that we'll also have a lecture/info on our work practice that will take place in the autumn. Exciting and a little scary to think that time has gone so quickly and I am nearly half way through. Think it's going to be a though spring judging by our schedule for upcoming courses, but it'll work out somehow!

The thoughest thing about being a single parent is that time aspect, you need to do your job/studies as well as juggling everything around the kids, sorting your home and basically be 2 parents in one go. Time can be difficult when day-care opening hours has to match school or when the kids are ill for example. I have to say that I've been lucky enough to in case of emergency have my parents to help but for the majority of time, I sort it all myself. The key to this is planning, hence now it's january planning has begun in order to make summer work so that we get enough time off as well as I get enough work to earn some money. As a student you haven't got an income over summer and planning is  neccesary in order to make life work. So now, new year, time to save up so that we can enjoy summer when it comes :)

Wednesday 2 January 2013

4 more days...

That's all we have left of christmas holiday... I have no idea where 2 weeks has gone, but now we're really going to make the most of the last few days. I have managed to do loads of must do tasks over the holidays, quite productive :) All that is left now is enjoying time off so we're just going to relax and enjoy theese last few days!

Today I have spent the day cleaning, well needed and oh so nice now it's done. Have sorted the whole house out, cleared out all clutter, put away old toys, clothes etc over theese past two weeks so now home is a clean and mess-free zone, atleast for a day or two. Tomorrow will be spent with good friends x2! Haven't seen them since last year (hahahaha!!), well a couple of weeks anyways so will be great to catch up :)