Tuesday 15 January 2013

Music & memories

It's amazing how music can bring back memories of places, people and situations. Just one song or line can take you back years in your life and make you re-live your past. Obviously this can have both positive and negative effects but I choose to focus on the good bits!

Sat in the car today, music on loudly and singing along as I was on my own. Then this one piece of music comes on the radio, blast from the past, and made me think of what I used to do back then. We're talking a fair amount of years back, more than I care to count... Made me think of the people I used to hang out with, people that were friends that I now unfortunately have lost contact with. I started thinking of what has happened to them, how they are, would I recognise them if I'd bump into them now. They have had and impact or input in my life, some more than others. I wonder if they know that without them my life might not be as it is, and I wouldn't be where I am. Usually we consider theese people you have around thet are true friends the ones that count, and yes they do have the most impact on your life I gues but... I think that sometimes people are meant to be in your life for a short period only, sometimes it seems that they were there just at that particular moment you needed them.

It also shows that although people enter and exit your life, they make some impact or mark on your life that makes you remember them, maybe not on a daily basis but now and then. It goes to show that whatever we do, whoever we meet, we have a chance and an opportunity to impact them, just by being ourselves. I can only hope that the impact I have had on the people I have met, known and called friends aswell as all the people I have yet to meet will be positive for them when they look back on their life in the future.

To each and everyone who have at one point played a part in my life: I remember you and treassure the time we had, and if it is meant to be, we'll meet again when the time is right! Now I'm going to turn the volume up and listen to some more music that'll bring memories of past times and old good friends!

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