Sunday 6 January 2013

Back to reality

Tomorrow it's back to uni again, we've had such a lovely break and I could seriously do with some more days off... Or maybe it's just the fact that it is so easy to get used to being on holidays. Nevertheless, tomorrow at 6 am my alarm will go off for the first time in over two weeks. It'll all be good once we get back into routine. On the bright side this means summer is only a few months away, so need som sunshine soon! We've had a fab break from everything though, celebrated christmas & new year, met up with friends and had a few completely lazy days. Love it!

As of tomorrow school will start in style, long day ahead. As it is an inset day over here the kids will spend the day with my parents instead of at day-care. At least they'll have a fun & chilled out day. I on the other hand will start with a seminar on a paper we did just before christmas followed by starting to work on our secong group assignment that needs to be handed in by thursday. On top of that we'll also have a lecture/info on our work practice that will take place in the autumn. Exciting and a little scary to think that time has gone so quickly and I am nearly half way through. Think it's going to be a though spring judging by our schedule for upcoming courses, but it'll work out somehow!

The thoughest thing about being a single parent is that time aspect, you need to do your job/studies as well as juggling everything around the kids, sorting your home and basically be 2 parents in one go. Time can be difficult when day-care opening hours has to match school or when the kids are ill for example. I have to say that I've been lucky enough to in case of emergency have my parents to help but for the majority of time, I sort it all myself. The key to this is planning, hence now it's january planning has begun in order to make summer work so that we get enough time off as well as I get enough work to earn some money. As a student you haven't got an income over summer and planning is  neccesary in order to make life work. So now, new year, time to save up so that we can enjoy summer when it comes :)

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