Saturday 8 December 2012

Perfect day!

Today we woke up to the most amazing winterday, sunshine & loads of snow so what better to do than head out for the hills for some sledging! Met up with some friends and the kids(and adults) had a blast sliding down the hills!

The view from our balcony this morning!
Sliding down in the "pulka"

Sledging relaxed style
In the afternoon we stayed in, made gingerbreads and just relaxed. Couldn't have asked for a more perfect Saturday really!
The gingerbread house, with various tenants
to inhabit the house, choosen by the kids :)
That was our day in pictures, hope for a yet another fab day tommorrow. Will be back with some more tet another day. Have a good rest of the weekend!


  1. Det syns vem som bestämmer i det hushållet! Men är det en kräftclementin som ligger där oxå eller vad är det för vackert konstverk??

  2. Till vänster syns en röd & gul spindel, till höger en tomte med gult skägg :) Båda konstverk har skapats på dagis & passar givetvis in med jul-temat... Traditionellt är ju inte lika spännande liksom ;)
