Saturday 1 December 2012


I've been thinking alot about my life sofar, not that I'm that old yet really but not quite as young anymore as I'd like. Sometimes I do feel like I've lived a very long life, I feel old. Yet, as weird as this might seem, I've never felt as young as I do at the moment. How is that, well, I've done lots in my life when I do think about it. At the tender age of only just 19 I left my home and country and moved to England. It was a daunting and exciting move all rolled into one. It forced me to grow up early to some extent. I was meant to go for 6 months, I stayed nearly 8 years... England became my home. I honestly never thought I'd leave but fate meant otherwise. I've also managed to travel a bit, furthest away I went was South America, it was a dream come true in so many ways. I did it all-adventures, parties and all that. I also met my ex-husband there... We moved back to England after a while, then to Sweden. The reason I'm back to my homecountry so to speak. Although I'm back to my homecountry it still will never quite be home, as it turns out. I grew up here but I grew into an adult in England, which in some ways still affects my life today.

I've also managed in my life to get married, I've given birth to 2 children and shortly after my 2nd childs birth I got divorced... I've studied, I'm a qualified massage therapist and now I'm at uni. I've struggled through theese years, financially, emotionally and mentally. I've had rough times, soulsearching periods of my life and some that has just been a complete rebellion aginst everything and everyone. I guess theese experiences will be an asset to my future work as a social worker. So although I am only 33 years old, I have managed to do quite a few things in my life. As mentioned before, at this moment in time I feel young. It's an amazing feeling that I do think has to do with uni. I go to uni with the majority in my class beeing younger than me. Beacusse of this I have gotten in touch with my younger side. It's a though balance though between being responsible mum and just beeing me :)

Through my life I also have had a few struggles to deal with. I've been bullied, I've had issues with my weight and looks, I've let myself be put down and controlled by others, I've been reckless at times and I have at times doubted myself BUT I've always come out stronger the other side! I've been stubborn, I have never given up and I've always fought back. This I think is the key in order to dare to go your own way! Never give up, trust that you are the ONLY one who knows what is best for you and what you want. Never let people put you down. I still have issues with certain things in life, I get shy and nervous in some situations. The difference now is that I confront theese fears, I still have lots of improvements to make but I'm on the right track now! I've dared to challenge myself. I also have the very best friends around me as a support theese days, and I hope you know how much I appreciate and love you guys even if I don't always tell you!

All in all, the message I want to send is believe in yourself and NEVER let anyone tell you what is right for you. Dare to make your own misstakes and learn your own lessons of life! And most important of all: Everyone has something special, uniqe and beautiful inside, dare to let it show!

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